Hornady High Speed 3-in-1 Trimmer #050190
Hornady High Speed 3-in-1 Trimmer #050190

Hornady High Speed 3-in-1 Trimmer #050190

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$546.99 $0.00 /

The Hornady® High Speed 3‑in‑1 Power Case Trimmer brings three case preparation steps into one space saving tool. The powerful motor spins at 2000+ RPMs, allowing users to trim, chamfer, and deburr in one quick step. The trimmer features a click‑adjustable micrometer for precise and consistent trimming. Compatible with cases from 22 cal up to 30 cal and lengths from 1.450" to 3.5".

  • Conveniently trim, chamfer, and deburr in a single step.
  • Powerful motor rotates at over 2000 RPMs.
  • Click‑adjustable micrometer for added precision.
  • The ultimate trimmer for high‑volume loaders.
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