Area 419 Fixed Scope Level for Area 419 Rings and Mounts
Area 419 Fixed Scope Level for Area 419 Rings and Mounts
Area 419 Fixed Scope Level for Area 419 Rings and Mounts

Area 419 Fixed Scope Level for Area 419 Rings and Mounts

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$40.00 $0.00 /

A scope level doesn’t need to be complicated, it needs to be visible, and needs to be repeatable. This accomplishes these things with a high visibility spirit vial, and a simple but versatile design that allows you to mount it to any of several mounting points on our rings and mounts, all based on your preference.

Machined from 6061 Aluminum, this product is Made in America and built to last.

Only 6 in stock
Available for pickup
In stock at Blue Collar Reloading Store · Usually ready in 24 hours

In stock at Blue Collar Reloading Store

Area 419 Fixed Scope Level for Area 419 Rings and Mounts· Default Title

Available for pickup

Blue Collar Reloading Store

Usually ready in 24 hours

3018 South Main Street
Salisbury NC 28147
United States


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